Flexible solution for operational and predictive energy management of residential and commercial objects and compounds.
Relevant for:
Commercial property - office buildings and retail shopping malls
Administration and municipal buildings - hospitals, schools, etc.
Infrastructure - railway stations, airports
Distributed objects - retail, cafe, restaurant chains, gas stations, etc.
Technological clusters
Apartment complexes
AlteroBMS provides
Intelligent monitoring
Integrated monitoring interface (electricity, heat, cold and hot water, air, natural gas, etc.)
Simultaneous multiple objects monitoring capability
Acquisition of temperature, vibration, CO2, etc. to ensure predictive analytics and indirect measurements
Integration with third-party data providers: weather forecasting, actual and forecasted energy market data, utilities data, billing, transaction platforms, etc.
Emergencies, faults, abnormal conditions alarming
Suppliers’ bills verification
Automatic/automated planning of efficient energy consumption:
off-hours consumption restriction
auxiliary systems consumption restriction in case primary systems are out of service
Automatic/automated planning of power system operation in order to minimize energy supply costs:
multi-rate tariffs energy costs decrease
ancillary services income
Outer grid energy supply tariff selection planning:
costs minimization for month/season/year based on statistical and forecasted data
O&M planning optimization:
equipment remaining lifetime evaluation
restoration costs decrease
State and operation of:
HVAC and utility systems
distributed energy resources:
energy storage systems
own (back-up) generation
renewable energy sources
Operations and Maintenance:
planned maintenance announcing
equipment and systems lifetime expiry alarming
AlteroBMS distinctive features
AlteroBMS provides full range of monitoring, planning, and management applications in accordance with predefined KPIs:
Power quality management
Equipment wear and maintenance requirements warning
Predictive analysis of consumption trends
Information security assurance
Energy costs minimization (even with no overall consumption decrease)
Ancillary services income maximization
Service staff man-hours economy
Energy efficiency
Energy consumption decrease
Energy losses decrease
Energy management transparency assurance
Environment friendliness
Full utilization of RES-generated energy
IIoT sensors and controllers level (of own design with other vendors’ solutions support). The level covers data acquisition and endpoint equipment control:
boilers / heaters
air conditioning systems
ventilation systems
energy storage systems
renewable energy sources
back-up generation (e.g., diesel-driven generator set)
IoT sensors (energy, current, voltage, pressure, consumption, temperature, CO2, etc.) of various consumers
metering systems
EDGE level. Sensors and controllers interaction using standard protocols (Modbus, MQTT, AMQP, KNX, etc.), data aggregation and batch transfer to the upper level, control strategy reception and implementation
On-premise / Cloud level. A set of subsystems responsible for intelligent monitoring, planning and predictive management of energy resources.
AlteroBMS comprises AlteroUniversal platform subsystems along with the additional functional subsystems:
Customers’ demand and renewables output forecasting
Multi-criterion optimization of equipment operation and maintenance
Automatic equipment control considering its restrictions and properties
AlteroBMS is based on the AlteroUniversal IIoT-platform.