Elevating equipment monitoring system.
Key Features
Equipment operation conditions monitoring and optimization
Operation conditions notifications (prevention of operational limits violation)
Online monitoring of the system units and elements down to circuit board components
Hours-in-service tracking for monitored equipment
Equipment and components failures prediction
Maintenance quality and timeliness assurance
Data quality assurance
Data storage and aggregation
Data processing and analysis
System load and efficiency self-analysis
Component-wise self-diagnostics with loggin
Intelligent Monitoring
The system provides a range of additional functions:
Unified solution for monitoring elevating equipment (elevators, escalators, travolators, etc.)
Acquisition of extended parameters set (temperature, vibrations, CO2, etc.) to enable predictive analytics and indirect measurements
Integration with external data providers: weather history and forecast, electricity markets current state and forecast, energy suppliers, billing and transaction platforms, etc. Notifications on abnormal operation conditions, emergencies, outages
Energy supply verification with supplier
Customer Benefits
Repair costs decrease
Spare parts and expendable materials inventory funds optimization
Electricity costs cut
Warranty-related expenses reduction (for manufacturers)
Equipment ownership costs drop
Increasing equipment lifetime
Equipment reliability and uninterrupted operation improvement
Adjustment of control algorithms based on varying influencing factors, considering object nature (adaptive algorithms)
Unbiased evaluation of life-cycle for various components and elements of different elevators and manufacturers
Possibility to build a map for off-schedule elevators maintenance
Feasibility of preventive component replacements or repairs to avoid larger machine outage
Repair and maintenance downtime reduction
AlteroElevator is based on the AlteroUniversal IIoT-platform.